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I turn on CNN and watch a Palestinian, unable to hide his glee at the disengagement, explaining how he "loves the Jews" whilst stating that he wants them to get out of Palestine (and he's not just talking about the territories) for their own good.

I then tune into the Jewish Settler network (Arutz Sheva) only to hear Jews calling Ariel Sharon, the democratically elected prime minister of Israel, a criminal and referring to the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) as the INA - Israel Nazi Army. If that's not bad enough, a Rabbi comes on to be interviewed and states that Sharon and his ministers are the "Erev Rav" (literally the mixed multitude) i.e. the half Jewish half Egyptian troublemakers who left Egypt with the Israelites and caused all the problems in the desert (such as the making of the Golden Calf and the Korach rebellion).

I despair at the situation in Israel right now. The Settlers are understandably bitter and the Palestinians see the disengagement as the beginning of their campaign to kick the Jews out. Yet, had the Jews stayed in Gaza, the situation would not be any better.

Over a hundred years after the return of the Jews to our land and nearly sixty years after our miraculous independence, we are still fighting the very same battle for survival. We are a stiff-necked people and that is our strength. Additionally, as the song goes, we do have G-d on our side but I for one, would just love to know how He's going to sort this problem out. I have come to the decision that it is an issue beyond human grasp.

Today we move out of Gaza and then what? Peace? Acceptance by the Arabs?
Who are we kidding? Of course not.

I hold my head in my hands and despair at the ongoing tragic nature of the situation.

I despair.
I despair.


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