All that you have is your soul (Tracy Chapman).

Friday 1 July 2005

The June Reunion

We've just come back from a wonderful evening. A second cousin got married today and we were invited to the the dinner (though unfortunately, we couldn't make the wedding).

I don't remember the last time so many members of our family spent an evening together under one roof. It was amazing to see my first cousins sitting in one direction, my uncle and aunt in another - and knowing that there were cousins present who had come specially from Israel, America etc to be there. These included the Rabbi who married us (who is a brother-in-law of the bridegroom) and whom we haven't seen for nearly ten years. He is extremely dear to both of us.

The only fly in the ointment was that my parents weren't present, as they were flying back from holiday this evening. They would have absolutely loved it.

I just wanted to share this special evening with you. As a family man, I really love gatherings like this. Unfortunately, there are always those who can't aren't able to come for one reason or another - which makes this unforgettable evening so very special.

I'm going to sleep now, with a rosy glow about me.
I want to savour the memory. Aren't family gatherings (when they work) the best thing ever?


I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

I haven't had a family reunion that didn't involve ridiculous quanitites of alcohol in a long time. Maybe I should organize one. There won't be any wedding for a while, and hopefully no funerals. I SHOULD organize one!

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

A REUNION, not a funeral - ha ha!