I see that the President of Iran has decided to hold a conference on "The Holocaust". The Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) has announced that "There will be a conference that will research the topic of the Holocaust and all its dimensions in the future".
You might be surprised to read that I am totally in favour of such an event taking place. You will see all these so called respectable Arab leaders going off to Iran to discuss the myth of the Holocaust and how right President Ahmadinejad was when he stated last month that "They (i.e. the Jews) have invented a myth that Jews were massacred, and place this above God, religions and the prophets."
I hope the conference lasts for at least a week and that there are plenty of photo-opportunities so that every one in the world knows exactly who attended.
Then the world's real power-brokers can submit a list of these modern-day Nazis to the U.N (like that's really going to happen...right?) and the rest of us can pray that these Hitlerites live long enough to regret their decision to attend this obnoxious waste of time and money.
See, the conference isn't such a bad idea after all, is it?