2007 eh? What a year. I always find it quite a challenge to think back over the previous eleven months. January 2007 seems like such a distant world. The only thing I really remember from that time is the execution of Saddam Hussein. Isn't that tragic? Isn't it sad that I lived through thirty one days of a month and I only remember one horrific moment. It gets worse. I remember February primarily because of our trip to Eilat - and that's it. Then again, it is a more pleasant memory. I suppose I should remember this year because it was the last one I lived through before crashing into the ginormous 4 0. It hasn't been an easy annum either. I endured a lot of shit in my last school and although I am much happier, I'm also much more hassled and stressed, trying to keep up with the crushing workload. I take this all in my stride because I hope that the next academic year will be easier, granted that I will have been in my current post for a full year. So what do I hop...
All that you have is your soul (Tracy Chapman).