I confiscated a swanky little phone this morning from one of my students. Unfortunately, she didn’t turn it off before the “hand-over”, so I had to figure out how to do so myself (after the end of the lesson). Whilst fiddling around looking for the on/off button, I pressed “record video” instead….and soon realised (in a moment of sheer horror) that I had just filmed myself (THREE times!) looking at the lens in sheer exasperation, trying to work how to turn the damn thing off. Having entered an Everest-like learning curve, I eventually managed to delete the said video files and find the pesky button. Thank G-d those machines don’t have a recycle bin. I have learned my lesson. Next time, I’ll get the kid to switch off the machine before handing over. This is truly the stuff of nightmares.
All that you have is your soul (Tracy Chapman).