All that you have is your soul (Tracy Chapman).

Wednesday 14 September 2005

End Of The Honeymoon

The air in my room has definitely turned quite chilly in the last few days. I don’t feel last week’s warm breeze, the one wafting through the air, over the computer tops towards the front of the room. The Autumn chill is making itself comfortable as is the realisation that it’s three months till the next major holiday.

School’s back in session and it’s going to be a long, hard slog.

Classes that I held sway over so confidently last week are starting the inevitable rebellion, leaving me feeling both frustrated and exhausted.

Yesterday, the headmaster came up to help me sort out my Year 8’s (a horrendous class by anybody’s standard). Today, my Year 9’s tested my patience, to the extent that I ended up telling one annoying student that I would be making his life ‘a misery’ (in other words, I’m turning into one of our hated teachers of old).

Two rotten classes on consecutive days and Thursday hasn’t even arrived yet.

On the positive side, I did give a good lesson to Year 10, so I shouldn’t really complain and Friday will be a training day (i.e. no teaching) and that is something to celebrate – in a strange sort of way.

It’s midweek and the weekend is on it’s way. I love teaching and get a buzz out of each and every day. Unfortunately, sometimes I find that “buzz” a little overwhelming.


Anonymous said...

hang on in there my friend.!! Life is a series of challenges that H makes us face. These challenges are a test to see how we cope with them and you can cope with all this... You have your health, strength, lovely family, wife, CAN deal with all this - rise above the bating and be strong "chazak chazak veyitchazaik! ALVINU X

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

What are the ages that correspond to the differnt "years?" WE use the term "grade" 1st grade is 6-7 year-old. My daughter who is 12, is a 7th grader. Please clear this up for your American readers...