The putz who happens to be Mayor of you-know-where has been barred from office for…wait for it….a whole month… a result of his comments to a Jewish journalist last year – comparing the young man to a Concentration Camp Guard, just because the journalist asked him a few questions he didn’t happen to like. As usual, the loony left has gone to town over this. Apparently, it’s a question of censuring freedom of speech. Oh yeah? So freedom of speech allows an elected official to make a highly offensive comment about concentration camps…to a Jewish journalist (who happened to have lost his relatives in the Holocaust….in a camp) does it? Freedom of speech entitles this loser of a man to offend virtually every person of the Jewish faith – just for the hell of it? I think not. To add insult to injury, the jerk refuses to apologise, despite numerous requests from no less a person than the leader of his party (and the UK) – just to make a so called ‘point’. Having been shown up to be the anti...
All that you have is your soul (Tracy Chapman).