I've just come back from the first ever Parade for Israel, through the streets of London. This took place to mark the 60th anniversary of our beloved country and no words I write can really describe how I feel right now. However, maybe, if I describe some highlights, you might get a taste of what I'm talking about. Dassi and I were parading along with other representives of our Synagogue (a consituant member of the Orthodox United Synagogue movement). We lined up behind the Christian Friends of Israel (which we were very honoured joining us), across the road from the Ritz Hotel in Green Park. These are photographic snippets I'll remember: 1) Seeing the crowds cheering us on as we walked around the corner into Piccadilly. We were following our organisation's float. 2) Singing Hava Nagilla at full blast, whilst walking down the centre of Piccadilly and waving my Israeli flags. We had total ownership of the road. 3) Reaching Piccadilly Circus and seeing the throngs of peo...
All that you have is your soul (Tracy Chapman).