Teacher: Good morning. Your parents. . . invited me today. . . to give you a private lesson in Israeli . . . citizenship. Pupil: Yeah, we made Aliah from Vancouver last month and I 'm missing a lot of material in the Ezrahoot ('citizenship') course, though I did try to follow the news before we came. Teacher: Not to worry. Today we'll talk about, 'how the Israeli electoral system works." Pupil: That's great. I'm really confused by what I read in the papers and blogs. Teacher: Let's start with the results of last week's . . . elections. Pupil: OK. Who got the most votes? Teacher: Tsipi Livni, head of the Kadima (=forward) party, with 28 seats. Pupil: So Ms. Livni won, right? Teacher: No, she lost. It doesn't look like she'll be able to get enough partners to form a majority government. Pupil: What about Bibi Netanyahu? Teacher: He got 27 seats. As the leader of the right, he may for...
All that you have is your soul (Tracy Chapman).