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Heavenly Fires - Dvar Torah for Parshat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim She was the largest of her type and class. It is said that passengers on the LZ 129 Hindenburg Zeppelin Airship couldn’t tell when she had disembarked as her launches were so smooth. 80 years ago, on 6 th May 1937, she caught fire over Lakehurst, New Jersey and crashed into the ground in a coruscating ball of fire. 36 people, including 13 passengers, 22 crew and 1 member of the ground unit died. Among the dead was Captain Ernest Lehmann, highly respected and experienced in piloting German airships, but who was later criticized for often making reckless manoeuvres that compromised the airship’s safety. The explosion’s cause is still unknown, despite numerous theories propagated since. On the eighth day, dressed in his magnificent Priestly robes, he faced the throngs of people, staring in disbelief at the sight. The Mishkan (Tabernacle), gleamed in the hazy midday sun, a structure whose presence owed its being
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The Scribbler goes all #

Well, to be more specific, I am presenting a virtual multimedia tour around Herod's Temple at this year's Limmud conference. If you are on site on 29 November, come and look me up (my session starts at 10.40) and you can even tweet your comments before, during or after the event #Herod2014 Tweets See you there!

The Scribbler Returns

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